
If you do not have a child support order, Child Support can help you through the process of getting one. There are many steps to getting an order and it is done through a legal process. Court orders for child support must also address medical support for the children. Child Support attorneys do not represent either parent during the process and Child Support does not determine parenting time.

Child Support can assist with establishing:

  • Current support
  • Prior period support
  • Medical support

The Child Support Guidelines are used to determine the support amount. The guidelines must be used by Child Support, private attorneys, and the courts. Many factors, including the income of the parent who owes support, are used when calculating the support amount. The guidelines are found in Administrative Code.

Use the Calculator to estimate the amount of your support payment amount. The calculator is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. The results are an estimate and depend on the accuracy of the information entered.