
Child Support uses this enforcement tool carefully and selectively.

When necessary, and only after other enforcement tools have not been effective, Child Support will consider suspensions. License suspension is intended to discourage missed payments and encourage payment of the required amount. Child Support has the authority to suspend:

  • Driver's License
  • Vehicle Registration
  • Hunting and Fishing Licenses
  • Professional and Occupational Licenses

Law allows for suspension when support is 2 months or $2,000 past-due, whichever is less or when there is a breach of a payment plan.

After a license or vehicle registration has been suspended, there are 2 options for lifting the suspension. Payment in full or entering into a payment plan. Contact Child Support for the pay off amount or to enter into a payment plan. When you enter into a payment plan, the suspension will be lifted and interest charges may be stopped. After complying with the payment plan, remaining interest may be waived.